(arranged in reverse chronological order of changes made)

You may download the mark-up versions of the chapters by clicking on the “chapter names” below.

Date of change Changes
24 June 2022

The chapters on “Amendment of pleadings”, “Consolidation of proceedings”, “Procedure where leave is sought to file further evidence” and “Security for costs” have been revised to:

(a) reflect the latest practice of the Registry in inviting comments from the parties in various interlocutory matters before issuing a provisional determination;

(b) allow the Registry more flexibility in such practice; and

(c) reflect various miscellaneous textual revisions.

25 March 2022

The chapter on “Revocation of registration on grounds of non-use” has been revised to provide more details on the actual date of registration of the underlying original registrations in respect of a merged registration.

4 February 2022

The chapter on “Search” has been revised mainly to –

(a) reflect the latest practice of the Registry in conducting dictionary and Internet searches for considering absolute grounds for refusal;

(b) update the references to the Internet sites and reference books to which the Registry may refer when conducting searches; and

(c) make various miscellaneous textual revisions.

28 January 2022

The chapter on “Deficiencies checking” has been revised to elaborate and clarify the issue on graphical representation of smell marks.
